Posionblack started out as a side-project of Ville Laihiala, who first played guitar in the band. He was also the frontman of Sentenced from 1996 until 2005, when they disbanded. He then decided to take over the vocal parts as well, along with the guitars in Poisonblack, band that has been flourishing ever since 2003 and up to date. Ville was really nice to talk to us about the past, present and future!

Ville: I had a song title Poison/Black.It was about the dualities in life etc. but it never got finished.I think it was JP, our first singer who said that why don`t I use it for the name of the band and so I did.
pdn: For about two years you were active in both Sentenced and Poisonblack, right? Was it difficult with two projects?
Ville: Not really because my priority was Sentenced at the time.Musically not difficult either cos the songs I wrote for Poisonblack were from the totally different source.The hardest part was and is that people sometimes cannot seem to understand that a person can express him- or herself in various bands at the same time.And when something dies usually life goes on…
pdn: At what age did you start playing music, and what was your first instrument?
Ville: I began to play the guitar at the age of 12.I also took some drum lessons at some point when I was a teenager but I felt that I got more deeper into what I got out of the chords and riffs I was trying to play that I quit the drums.
Ville: Metallica and their 3 first albums really got me through some hard issues in my youth and really wanted me to play music and pick up the guitar.I pretty much learnt every fucking note that`s on those albums and tried to play as tight as James Hetfield does.Still trying…
pdn: Who writes the lyrics and music for Poisonblack? What inspires them the most, what are the main themes?
Ville: I write them.About life, myself, how I feel about whatever.Usually it is the shit that is coming out so it feels cathartic and it is something that I really cannot shut down.Same thing with the music, death by the blues…
pdn: I am sure you've had a lot of experiences of all sorts with both bands, but what would be one that you will never forget, if such? Either positive or negative.
Ville: There are so many…The first album, touring, some great shows, friends and enemies made along the way…It is impossible to name just one or two things from a 16 year career or journey.I am still alive and doing the thing I love and that feels amazing.
pdn: What did being a part of Sentenced mean to you?
Ville: It felt that I was a part of something original, unique and soulful. It was an honour to create music with those guys and I am gutted and sad that Miika is no longer with us.
Ville: We`ll open up for Nightwish for six shows in Finland and after that concentrate reharsing new material for the next album.I have 15 new ones waiting and I think that a couple more are dying to come out.
pdn: Thank you so much for this interview! Is there anything you would like to add for your numerous fans, friends?
Ville: Thank you, my pleasure…Eipä sitä vissiin tiiä.
omg...im so jealous!!!! i want to intview Ville but i would probably be in a state of awe.. and i wouldnt know what to say except "cne someone take a picture???" ahah