Review: SHAKE WELL BEFORE - Goliath EP
Shake Well Before must be familiar to those who follow Playdeadnation regularly, or just those who've heard their stuff. As you might know, an interview with the guys hosted here recently, if you missed it, you can check it out here!

The sudden success of their EP called Goliath popped up in a big part thanks to their single 'Insomnia', which is the second song on the EP, but the first I want to talk about, since that was their first song that had an impact on me and made me fall in love with the music of Shake Well Before instantly! It comes with an interesting video, which avoke my curiousity in the first place. Needless to say, I liked it. But I will let you check that out! The song starts off energetically, like all their other songs, with loud and angry vocals, just the way we like it, and the solo will make your ears bleed as well. The message is rebellious, one of deception and existential questions, which also makes the anger in the vocals and rhythm righteous. The first song is 'Bear, Give My Steak Back'. Among other things, this song talks about regrets and the frustration we all often encounter, due to not being able to change the past, and how life is, in the end, what will slowly kill us. Thus, the sorrowful lyrics are 'slightly' in contrast with the comic, yet symbolic title. Nonetheless, the voice and instrumental are definitely wild in this one as well. Then we bump into the third song called 'When Anger Meets Rage', the title being a very suggestive one, I don't think much explanation is needed about the topic, thus you can use it as an energy drink anytime, especially in cases in which you can relate to it! The next song on the is 'S.S.D.D.', it is about waiting in vain for things to happen, being superficial, constantly struggling for perfection, never being satisfied and we waste our lives searching, not realizing we're standing on the edge and we could fall any minute. Last but not least, we can listen to 'We're Melting Away', which presents the disintegration of the only path we have, the fact that this world is quite unfair since the bad people are supported. It tell us about human decay - in a nutshell.

This EP was very well-received, and that is not a surprise at all. I think every hardcore/ metalcore fan will be delighted to listen to this masterpiece over and over again!
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